Thursday, October 27, 2005

prairie dog

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

bird dog

So I was sitting on the couch telling Alvin about the bird dog and retriever demonstrations I saw at Expo. The retrievers had collected ducks earlier in the day (fake ducks were shot out of some contraption for the dogs to retrieve.) These fake ducks were scented just like real ducks. Then I told him about the pointer demonstration where they put some live quail in a cage and the dog is supposed to catch the scent and "point" to the location of the birds. But these young pointers kept going to where the ducks used to be instead of finding the quail, repeatedly.....All of a sudden Echo (who had been on the floor totally ignored) got up, went to her toy box, retrieved her stuffed duck and brought it to us on the couch. She is not going to be bested by some ordinary dog who only has one skill!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

the agility jumper

actually levitation

Monday, October 24, 2005

the ghost chaser

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